

Paradiso Spa Shiatsu Center

Welcome to Paradiso Spa Shiatsu Center, where are an alternative center of natural treatments for mental and physical relaxation, in order to prevent diseases caused by mental, physical and emotional stress.

Aware of the true meaning of stress, with consequences that are not limited to a state of ‘mental pressure’ but exceed these limits damaging physically and severely our body and our health. We must be aware that absolutely everything around us can be a direct or indirect cause of stress from domestic situations, concerning our personal lives or external situation with our society and even those that occur worldwide. Any stressful event will make our body produce greater amounts of chemicals that affects it.

Therapeutic massage is not only the oldest way that humans used to provide a natural remedy against pain but this massage is used to improve circulatory function, restore mobility of muscle tissue that may be damaged, relieve or reduce pain, provide welfare, mental and physical relaxation. This relaxation is what stimulates the release of dopamine. Dopamine plays a dual role as a neurotransmitter in the central nervous system by establishing a better neuromuscular control as neuro-hormone synergies and establishes a relationship with the neuroendocrine system. Dopamine exerts its function in multiple areas of the CNS, when its secretion diminishes or its effectiveness can cause in certain brain nucleus Parkinson’s disease, so any performance enhancement or stimulation of this neurotransmitter is effective in treating this disease. For this and more, counteract the inevitable stress, it is essential for the proper functioning of our systems and thus our whole body, avoiding mostly suffering from serious diseases.

Address: La Condamine y Av. 3 de Noviembre (200 mts from Plaza del Otorongo), Cuenca.

Business contact information:
099 667 3117
099 424 3193 (English)

Bryan Varniar

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