

Gourmetcito - Online food service

We have created for you the very thing we were missing - an online store to get a wide variety of food to fill up our refrigerator and freezer of "at-your-fingertips" goodies. Our website, www.gourmetcito.com, offers a variety of ready-to-heat and also ready-to-eat foods using high quality products and turning them into fabulous, tasty treats -- and you never have to leave your living room to get it all. We know you'll appreciate our commitment to service, quality, pricing and the unmatched convenience of scrumptious food delivered to your door. Our goal is that you think of us first, fill your shopping needs via our website and then pick up a few other things at your local grocery or mercado when you want to take the time. Shop Gourmetcito.com and spend less time, effort, and money. You won't have to haul it home clean it, prepare it, cook it and clean up the mess! Plus, our quality is superb! We shop for as much organic produce, eggs and free range meats as we can find. We use sea salt or pink Himalayan salt (never fluoridated salt), we cook in stainless steel pots and pans (not aluminum). Our providers know we are value-driven so they bring us the best of what they offer at the best prices. They have agreed to give us pricing based on volume and we agree to pass those savings onto you. So the more we all order, the better the prices will be! Gourmetcito.com - making life easier and tastier for less time, effort and money.

Address: Cuenca, Ecuador, Cuenca.

Gina Anderson: info@gourmetcito.com 098 716 5474 www.gourmetcito.com

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