

Cuenca car share

Have you ever wanted a car for a few days to explore Ecuador? How about for a day-trip to Paute for the barbeque on Sunday or for a trip to Giron to see the beautiful waterfalls? Have you considered how nice it would be to have a car for the week to drive up the coast?

Cuenca has many private drivers that charge $10 an hour. What if you could “share” a car for less than what a driver would charge for 4 hours?

We are excited to announce that Cuenca Car Share is open for business with the arrival of the first car in our fleet, a 2012, Chevy Grand Vitara, fully equipped with power windows and locks, 5 speed, A/C, stereo, alarm, leather seats, and GPS.

Our introductory price is only $35 a day/ $225 a week, plus $.07 a kilometer, considerably less than the rental car companies in town. It’s easy to get started. All you need to have is:

Good driving history, Ecuadorian driver’s license or international driver’s license. If you need a license, we can help you get that, also. For more information please contact,

Juan Morales: cuencacarshare@gmail.com


  1. However, if I pay $10 per hour, I could enjoy the same scenery on my own or with friend and wouldn't have to rub elbows with "gringos" I don't know. Other gringos...no thanks, I'll hire you on my own and be in touch. Thanks for the advert.

  2. Sounds like a great idea, for shopping and having a car for a day would be wonderful
    Thank you

  3. How far in advance do you take reservations? I definitely am interested in exploring the coast. Also can you relay information on the international drivers license, so I can prepare to get it in advance?

  4. You may reserve as far out as you like, with a deposit. If you are in the states, go to AAA for the international license. It is valid for one year and you don't have to be a member. If you are in Cuenca, send us an email and we can help. Cuencacarshare@gmail.com.
